We are the Creative Department of a company called "The Hemohscin Project", currently owned and directed by Isu Hem, the goal of this department is to make use of two centuries of documentation, research, and stories as a form of entertainment. We seek to tell said stories to whoever chooses to listen, we do not seek to convince. Depictions of events are sometimes loosely based on the original events and are changed purely for entertainment, a fun game is more important than an accurate one.
The Creative Department will make use of various mediums of entertainment, including video games, animation, music, etc. We will be posting our games here on Itch, over on Gamejolt, and on Steam.
Isu will be making posts personally on the Gamejolt page while Evard Ricter posts updates on X.
All video content will be posted on our company YouTube channel. Which includes trailers and teasers, as well as animations that are related or unrelated to any specific game and short films.
Music will posted to various platforms however we prefer Spotify ourselves.
While the various other departments of the company are not directly your concern, the Creative Department is currently made up of three people. Evard Rictor is current department director however Isu Hem still generally directs the creation of creative content. As well as everything else in the company.
Evard Ricter - Department Director, Modeler/Coder/Voice Actor
Mark Leder - Modeler/Animator
Kate Vernan - Coder
Kaleb Fisher - Map Designer/Sound Designer
Isu Hem - Company Director, Everything else/music/writing/texturing/etc.
While the team is currently small, we seek to use as much effort as we can. Of course, we will bring in new talent to the team and hope to grow overtime.
If you are having issues with a game, or just ordinary questions, feel free to contact us through our email.
We do not take responsibility for your paranormal experiences even if they are similar to events depicted in media we produce. However if you do have concerns we can provide some information and guidance. The same goes for any events experienced after playing our games, we have taken as many measures possible to ensure that media we produce cannot be corrupted but with this being a new medium we are unsure of all that could happen.